Browzring – Free Café Management Software!

Browzring - Café management Software Company in India. It was launched on Madurai August 23, 2009. It provides solution for online advertising company, Internet café owners and Café users.
Browzring is free café management and security software for Internet cafes. It’s free registration & get free download for all cafés in India. Café owners will take management reports for their café users. In report, can see café user’s details such as user name, login & logout time, which machine using their user and duration. Café owners can see remote report access also everywhere in the world. In security purpose incase of café owners facing any cyber crime issues (user forwarded some threaten mails), Browzring will be given for their café users details for that particular date. Simply Browzring software is café management and user friendly.

In Advertising field, Browzring a new ad platform called Desktop Advertising. Café users can see for relevant advertisement. It can display for location based ads, gender based ads and working profession based ads. Advertisers can getting most unique leads from the Browzring Desktop ad platform. Advertiser can manage for their ad campaign report access.
Café users get safe internet surfing and mail checking and more. User gets credit while their browsing time. It’s free roaming account all over India. But, user must have mobile for their registration. User can see their real-time browsing time every minute.


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