Keyword Research Ethics!

What is Keyword?

Keyword is a “Search Term” that term belongs to anything. Visitors search and come to a website by any search terms. Anyway keyword is important to helping a website ranking in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. In these days Google is best search engine for searches compare to other search engines by users. Ranking a website is important to a particular keyword phrase in search engines.

Keyword Research Ethics

How to research a keyword?

Keyword is such a word or word phrase. Generic keyword is very high competitors. Generic keyword is one word keyword. Example: Cars, Shoes.Research a keyword is to check the competitor and traffic volume analysis to a particular keyword phrase. Keyword phrase is two or more words like Teacher Jobs, Seo Services India and Madurai Web Design Company.

Select the keywords must be relevant to a website or web page. Then check the competitor and traffic volume to your keyword phrase. Your keywords should be high traffic volume with low competitor is good. Targeting Geographical Location is another important to a particular keyword phrase. 

Research your keywords to some online keyword analysis tools. Like Google Keyword Research Tool, Word Tracker and Keyword Discovery.

Google Keyword Research Tool is researching a traffic volume, competitors and monthly average search volume for a keyword phrase. And also getting ideas about keyword phrases. Google Trends is compare search volume two keyword in a location base. This tool also helpful for researching a keyword.
Researching a keyword above these steps definitely ranking your website in search engines.


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
the more important point is Google Trends is compare search volume two keyword in a location base. This tool also helpful for researching a keyword.
Attorney Smith said… That of my favorite tool to analyze any site.
Just enter the URL and it will provide a report that includes organic and AdWords keywords
you can find the site, positions, by CPC and more. And its all summurized easy to understand graphics
luis said…
Great post,thanks for the back link.
gallery 802 said…
Nice steps for keyword research.
Betty said…
Thanks for sharing this step-by-step alhorythm of keyword reseach - it was useful for me to sructurize all the information i already know on the topic. I also think that such a keyword as "free" or "for free" is also very common and popular, isn't it?
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Great post. Very helpful.
Keyword research is the first and most important step to take to improve the visibility of your website and also to get top on the google search engine.
Thanks again sharing this info.
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